nokia 6111 and pc in The AnswerBank: Technology
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nokia 6111 and pc

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xCharliex | 13:50 Thu 28th Dec 2006 | Technology
5 Answers
i bought a usb connector for my fone how do i download my photos from my phone onto my computer, it keeps saying things like no programs i have can do it?! if that makes sense?! i bought the connector on its own with no instructions
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you should have a disc that came with the phone, its no good on its own
Download Nokie PC Suite:


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i will download that but how will it help? is it instead of having the disk?
You will simply download the same onfo that is on the disc, you musy have the software one way or another.
Question Author
wow, execellent it worked perfectelly, thankyou soo much! :)

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nokia 6111 and pc

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