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Wand TV

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fudgedaft | 15:56 Fri 05th Jan 2007 | Technology
7 Answers
I brought my son a WandTV DVB-T USB stick for christmas,after installing it found reception not that good so decided to install an outside arial, now thats been done my son has lost the serial number we need to re-instll the drivers etc,has anyone any ideas were I might be able to obtain a serial number from, here's in hope.


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Can`t help with your dilemma but looked at buying one of these and was curious to know how an external aerial vits into it, because the ones i`ve looked at seem to have a special fitting for the little dinky aerial that comes supplied with them.
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The unit itself does come with a small arial but a normal size Co-ax male plug does fit into it.
Cheers for that fudge, what make and model is it? i`ll have a scoot round and see if I can find out any info about that serial number for you
Opps of coarse the makes a WAND stoopid me
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wandtv dvb-t usb 2.0
should be in capitals

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