spam emails in The AnswerBank: Technology
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spam emails

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snodhutch | 20:24 Sun 07th Jan 2007 | Technology
4 Answers
how do i stop spam emails arriving in my outlook express in box
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install firefox
that will sort them out
i did
got one spam email in 6 months
Henrys repeatedly posts that answer whenever this question comes up (which is quite often!). Firefox is a web browser, not an e-mail client and will do absolutely nothing to reduce spam. (I'm not knocking Firefox. It's far superior to Internet Explorer but it has nothing to do with POP3/SMTP e-mail).

You can't prevent spam from arriving on the server of your e-mail provider (other than by using multiple accounts, as below). The only thing you can do is to delete it from the server before it's downloaded to your Inbox. The most frequently recommended tool for this job is MailWasher:

I don't use MailWasher myself, as I prefer a different approach. Rather than just have one e-mail address, I use different addresses for different purposes. For example, I've got a current e-mail address which I use on AB whenever I want someone to contact me directly. It's not used for any other purpose. I've never received any spam to this address but, if I do, I'll just change the address. (Most ABers who need to contact me only need to do so for a very limited period, so it doesn't matter that I no longer use an old address). I also create separate e-mail addresses for every discussion group that I contribute to. Once again, if I start to get spam, I simply change to a new address. My 'personal' e-mail address (i.e. the one assigned by my ISP) is only made known to a very small number of people. If you need to set up new e-mail accounts (which can be used with Outlook Express), the best free service is based in Egypt (Gawab.com):

I use Mailwasher - but like Buenchico says you cant stop it appearing on the server.

You can however teach Mailwasher to automatically delete unsolicited mail not from your address book and from dubious sources - it's constantly learning but is never 100pc accurate.

I use it mainly to get rid of the adevrts for Viagra/Peni$ enlargement services, loans, mortages, stocks and shares etc etc etc. It does learn to delete these but the people who send them are constantly changing their servers etc and you find yourself deleting the mail and then allowing what you want through. You can delete the mail from the server, blacklist the source and or Bounce it off the server. I use it mainly to stop the e-mails with the pictures getting through that I dont want my 5yr old son to see if he's in the room and I open up Outlook.
Read and digest what Buenchico has suggested.Won't add anything as he's covered the bases!! There are loads of people out there who think Firefox solves all the mail issues...they're wrong !! The fact that they are spam free isn't just down to Firefox. I would strongly recommend Firefox or Opera to anyone as an alternative to IE 7.but you still need to configure your mail correctly .Hows about giving Buenchico a rating then ??

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