sound card? in The AnswerBank: Technology
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sound card?

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druiaghtagh | 15:38 Sat 04th Oct 2003 | Technology
5 Answers
on my computer, whenever i play music, the singers all sound like the chipmunks(much too high play speed, i am baffled as to wether its the sound card or some other problem, ideas anyone please
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Firstly we need to acertain whether the music is playing at the correct speed i.e. do the drums in the track sound too fast? or are they playing at the correct speed. If they are ok, you may have a pitch adjuster on your sound card which only alters the pitch of the file being played.
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thankyou for taking the trouble to answer, ther music in background is fine and plays correctly, how do i dom this pitch adjustment?
What audio player are you using?
We need to know the Sound card and program you are using in order to give you an answer :o)
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thankyou all, have now sorted problem

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sound card?

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