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Zone alarm will not install?

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Kelly Jo | 19:15 Wed 28th Feb 2007 | Technology
14 Answers
Just been trying to install Zone Alarm, I have turned off Windows firewall but keep getting an error message that it is not a valid win 32 application - any ideas? Thanks!


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Try re-downloading, and making sure you're downloading the right one.
Question Author
I am and I have already tried 5 times?
use comodo its better and free no probs installing either
tho comodo doesnt work with vista. come to think of it only the current microsoft firewall does
Αgnitum Outpost works with Vista.
Question Author
Thanks deggers - will comodo work with windows XP? One of my problems is that I'm on dial up I think.
yes it works with windows xp as mine is dial up ok it takes a while from the comodo site but go for it
there is nothing wrong with zone alarm is used by loads of people, either you arent downloading the correct platform version of you are running the wrong file, look for setup.exe
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Thanks Deggers I will try it out later - I hope it works or I think my computer will get it!
i got the same message as the questioner did after an available update from zone alarm ( which i used for years no ,probs) but try as i may and i'm no novice ,could not get it to load up
so its not as straight forward as it seems
other have had this prob too
comodo is as good if not better as uses less space on hard drive
well i just downloaded it and checked and it works fine
make sure you get it from the correct site products/znalm/freeDownload.jsp?dc=12bms&ctry= US&lang=en
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Hi dannywells - that is exactly where I did download from. Anyways I didn't get around to it last night I accidently popped in the pub on my way home for one and had 4! but I am going to give comodo a try tonight. I will let you all know what happens later.
maybe you should just stick to windows firewall, its more than adequate for most folk
Question Author
Cheers Danny I didn't know that - I only really use the internet for itunes, tescos and a few other bits - if all else fails that definetly sounds like a good plan to me!

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