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avi to dvd

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RATTER15 | 11:13 Tue 06th Mar 2007 | Technology
6 Answers
I found a few programmes that convert AVI to DVD but they all put a watermark on the film, right in the middle of the screen.

Does anybody know of a conversion programme that is completely free and without the watermark?


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Win AVI Convertor converts avi to DVD or VOB files extremely easily. If you search for it on a peer to peer programes (Imesh, Kazza) you will find it for free and with a seriel number, just as I did. You can google it but you will only find a trial version.

Another good converter is DVD Santa, or DVD shrink or Nero does the job just as well
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These all have watermarks across the screen unless you buy the programme!!!!

I have Nero and you even have to pay for the plugin that allows you to convert the files for DVD!!

I have tried to download programmes with serial number, cracks and hacks etc through Limewire but every programme I download seems to be a virus!!
Forget Limewire,Imesh and Kazaa, download a Torrent program called BitLord from

Once you have installed BitLord, open up the program and got to the web tab which is at the top left next to the transfers tab.A web browser will open up, type in and then type Winavi into the search box.You should get loads of results and just download whichever one you want.
I would also recommnd downloading a full version of Nero.
DVD Shrink DOES NOT convert AVI to DVD. It just cracks the code and compresses dvds
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Thanks for all you answers, I downloaded Nero ultra which sorted it all for me.

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