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andrewlee | 18:08 Mon 01st Dec 2003 | Technology
4 Answers
I have just received 27 emails, 24 of which were dubious looking adverts for online prescription drugs, devices to enlarge a part of my anatomy, and various others which I presume will be porn sites. How can I stop all these?


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If you are using Outlook or Outlook express to download your emails follow the link and download this great Free software: -
I also use mailwasher, when you get a spam email in your in box it automatically sends it back to the person who sent it, instantly.
Fight them back!
Ive just downloaded mailwasher, but it asks me to put my password down, do i do this or click on cancel, sorry if it sounds simple but its just cost me �55 to get rid of a load of virus's and fix my pc, so i'm weary of everything at the moment.  Cheers everyone

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