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Chrissy Boy | 14:00 Mon 09th Apr 2007 | Technology
4 Answers
Hi, I know this sounds daft but if I play a Jpeg clip through Media Player I only get about 5 seconds of video footage then the picture disappears and I only get sound for the rest of the clip. I have tried uninstalling Media Player but that only rolls back to the previous version and does not sort it out. Furthermore I cannot download Real Player as it informs me that it cannot connect to the internet, server down etc but I know the link is ok as I have logged onto their web site Help Please
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JPEG clip ? This is a still picture
If you mean AVI ensure hardware acceleration is selected
Has this just happened and was OK before ?
I once had just sound and no picture at all. Following advice on AB.
Windows XP and Media Player 11. (not sure about Vista )
Click Tools -Options-Performance-Change Video Acceleration, also look in Advanced options
Download VLC. It's the media player which is most frequently recommended here on AB as well as by various BBC technology programmes. It will play almost any media file without problems. (Although, as has been said, it can't play jpeg because that's a still image format. I assume you mean mpeg):

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Sorry I mean't mpeg. In reply to Sarah Louise it has been going on for some time. When the image disappears then any further replays of the same or new mpegs do not appear at all.

I shall, however give the VLC ago.


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