Music file sample in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Music file sample

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moter goose | 20:22 Fri 20th Apr 2007 | Technology
5 Answers
Can anyone suggest how to take the first 20 to 30 seconds of a music file to create a ring tone.
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if you have a mac you can uplaod the song into garageband and then cut it down to however long you want it
To OBonio. I Have used Audacity to import LP Records& old Audio Tapes,but how do I use it as you suggest to record internal music already on my PC?
Sorry I missed the most important bit,----& then use the tune for a Ringtone?
I assume the music file is in mp3 format. Open it with Audacity, then cut out the 20 or 30 secs you want and save it as mp3 too (I also assume your phone can use mp3 as a ringtone format). You then bluetooth it over to the phone.

To get Audacity to support saving as mp3, you will need to get LAME :

http://audacity.sourceforge.net/help/faq?s=ins tall&item=lame-mp3

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