Coward? in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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horselady | 14:38 Fri 27th Apr 2007 | Animals & Nature
12 Answers
Am I a great big wuss? Yesterday in my back garden there was a tiny mouse, plus trap. He had his foot caught and was still alive, he'd dragged the trap from next-doors workshop, I found out later. I know he had to be "finished off" but I went next door like a big baby and asked the man in there to see to it (hubby is away) then went off to work. Felt cruel all day, who else couldn't kill a mouse?
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Me- but in fairness I couldn't use a trap that wasn't humane either.
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No, me neither, poor little thing. He had dragged it a long way, horrible things those traps.
I'm worse - I would have taken it to the vet! I can't even kill spiders.
...have to agree with wolf! I would most probably ended up with a three legged mouse as pet!!!
' a pet '
Me! I would have tried to take it to the vets too!
I'm terrible! I hate wasps and have a real phobia of them (plus I'm allergic to their sting) and one flew into the dining hall today at school whilst I was serving and I was almost in tears trying to watch where it was whilst trying to serve the kids. It went near the window and the dinnerlady was trying to shoo it out but it went to the floor so she stood on it and killed it! I felt really bad for the wasp!
I can't carry on watching a film if an animal dies in it either, or I have to be pre-warned so I don't see it happen.
God I have become so soft in my old age!
I hate to think of anything trapped like that - my cats catch the occasional mouse and they have either been dead or very much alive (in which case I try to catch said mouse and evict it). I live in fear that they will bring home an injured one because although I know it would be cruel to let it linger I couldn't kill it. I also hate to see animals at the side of the road - again I don't think I could finish something off. So no, you're not a wuss!
Why did it have to die anyway, poor little mite?

We have a little wood mouse that lives in our garage and every night he comes onto the patio to have a look around before scurrying off like a tiny clockwork toy. He's eaten his way through a bag of peanuts and a small pack of birdseed, but that's our fault not his.Enchanting little creature!

ah bless, i would have taken it to the vet, and saved it. cant even kill a spider.

Same here cannot kill anything,might admit to the odd house fly if I cannot get it out of the window,but as for a little mouse no live and let live is my motto and lets face it there are many humane traps now on the market without those cruel traps.
Mice are fine outside. Inside the only good mouse is a dead mouse. They have no sphincters and, therefore, wherever they go they leave a trail of urine and poo. Not very healthy. I live in a rural area and do occasionally get mice in the house. I have humane traps but if I catch a mouse I shake it and leave the body outside for the owls. Mice will return to a warm house. The end is quick and clean. I can't put poison down because of the owls, if an owl takes a poisened mouse it will kill the owl
i live in a rural area and breed zebra finches.i am constantly plagued by mice and water rats.i spend a fortune on poison and air gun pellets..if they were left un touched in my sheds their urine would kill my birds,i do understand they are only after some good quality bird seed to eat in my heated shed but it is them or my birds..
the poison is placed where my birds cannot get to it.if they are in the open i will shoot them.
it is the usual arguement of some people do not mind and some do..just like fox hunting,,some people think foxes are lovely but ask the local shepherds here what they think of the cuddly fox which has just ripped the throat out of some new lambs..
everyone to their own..

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