What do I have to do to get my Ebay ad looking unique? Do I just do it as a website and copy/paste? I see this ads that have logos and loads of pictures, all singing and dancing... How do I do that? And do I have to pay for each picture?
when you are listing choose one of the themes listed.
there is also a link somewhere that tells you how to use html to improve the look of the ad. If you use html to put your pictures instead of listing them all on an ebay slideshow, you will not get charged any more for putting them on
You can make it as a normal web page in an editor and paste into the description or use tags such as bold, center, h1 to liven up your test. Best results use a wysiwyg editor (what you see is what you get). The thing to remember is you need an absoulte path for image files, ie, 22:05 Thu 01st Apr 2004