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Hi mac70
Thanks for your assistance, I have logged onto site as suggested, the problem is more complex. Was doing this on behalf of my brother mark, who has problems with literacy alas however he is doing well, he seems to allow everything on his pc bless, he had not even downloaded his Norton antivirus , i have done that mow, however it has not killed the trojan thing,if you can talk me through it I can relay this to Mark in simple english, so he may be able to fix it himself, Not being so comp literate myself although not being thick, I do understand most of the stuff, I am able to set up things and apply stuff, I hope this is not too much of a problem, Mark or Andy as our family call him can and is willing to try. I do thank you for your assistance in this matter, I live in Essex he lives in Worcestershire, on one of the flood planes and i was just visiting, however I am moving to the Iske of Man by end of August and would like to help if I can, with your expert assistance.
Thankyou once again