E-mail spam in The AnswerBank: Technology
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E-mail spam

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ChirpyKez | 17:34 Tue 21st Aug 2007 | Technology
2 Answers
Please help. I have recently started getting a load of crappy spam e-mails through each day - normally my e-mail is fine. I have Norton Security installed. Is there anything else I can do or add? I just don't get why it is happening all of a sudden. I use regular Outlook Express if that matters!
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The problem is you have probably given out your e-mail address to someone who has passed this to a third party. If you gave out your home address there are laws to prevent you getting spam but not with e-mail spammers who are poorly regulated.
The solution is either to change your e-mail address or get multiple addresses with the main address for close contacts only.
Another option, Mozilla Thunderbird email client has message filters you can automatically delete on a particular phrase or word (like Viagra) without your intervention. If you want this rubbish deleted from your isp's server, www.devicode.com sell some POP3 sweeper software to remove this rubbish before it gets onto your machine. I think Mail washer does something similar.

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