Assuming you're using the latest version, AOL 9.0, you can either use the Settings menu (3rd line down at the top of the screen); or go into Keywords (2nd line down) and type Screen Names. Either way, you will then have the opportunity of creating another screen names which you can use for AOL email. (Alternatively, keep using your single name - you haven't changed your identity!)
No I have version 8.0 of AOL, as my computer doesn't like version 9.0 Im afraid. I need to change my name as the website is used for work related stuff, also changing my screen name would need a whole new email address, which would be a nightmare to change with everyone!! please help?
I'm sorry, but I simply don't understand what you want to do. If you don't want to change your screen name and you don't want to change your email address, what is you want to change? Perhaps it would be simplest to ask AOL through they technical help facility.