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new pc tower?

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lise08 | 21:03 Fri 09th Nov 2007 | Technology
5 Answers
My hubby wants a new pc tower to update his standard tower? I want to surprise him by buying him one, but is it just a case of buying the housing? Or is it more in depth and I need to buy other things ie fans etc? Many thanx!


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get him an Dell PowerEdge 2900 2 x XEON Dual Core 8gb ram 4x 146gb

link XEON-Dual-Core-8gb-ram-4x-146gb_W0QQitemZ15017 8404517QQihZ005QQcategoryZ1484QQssPageNameZWDV WQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

thats a nice big tower only �1,800.00 and more than enough of what he will need
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He just wants the housing, not a complete tower. You can just buy the housing can't you?!?
You can just buy the housing - but there is a huge range, and unless you are 'techie' and know exactly what he wants it is going to be a disappointment.

I suggest you make a 'voucher' for him which you can put inside a card - the voucher can say something like 'A gift of �x towards the pc tower of your dreams'.

So he has a surprise, and gets to choose the perfect tower case for him.
Dont surprise him, because unless you know what he wants you may well be buying the wrong thing.

It is like surprising someone with a car and buying them a mini when they were expecting a rolls royce (or vice versa).

I assume he wants a whole new PC tower (which is the "case" and all the components in it).

As Ethel says, there are just so many different components that could go inside the case you may well be wasting your money.

Just to say again, DONT surprise him.
Here are some examples of cases available, but as stated earlier, there are SO many options it's best if you go shopping together for this one. x?n=2,10&n=70

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new pc tower?

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