I have recently bought a widescreen TFT monitor and find that I frequently need to change resolution between 800x600 and 1600x1024. Is there a way (e.g. using a programmed function key) that I can do this quickly rather than going through the tedious routine of Properties - Control Panel - Display - Settings - alter slider - Apply - OK? I love the widescreen format for general use - spreadsheets and viewing DVDs etc, but for viewing photographs the widescreen distorts to an unacceptable degree. I know I can resize the photos one by one to around 83 percent of the width but again this is tedious.
What are you using to view your photos? The photos should be displayed at the correct aspect ratio, regardless of the settings of your monitor.
In other words, there should be no reason for you to keep switching resolutions, especially as TFT screens don't work very well at resolutions other than their native one.