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Mobile refuses to send texts!

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bossychloe | 22:44 Tue 22nd Jan 2008 | Technology
4 Answers
I gave my niece my old phone (Samsung D500) she replaced my virgin pay to go sim with her vodaphone pay to go sim - but whenever she tries to send a text it comes up as 'error'.
I have re-checked my number and ensured she has money on her card but it still refuses to let her text! I have also had the sim in and out many times to ensure it is in properly.
Any suggestions?


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Find out what the message centre number is for vodaphone and make sure its set to that number on the phone
The message centre number should read
If this is not shown you will need to delete the current entry and enter this number
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thank you both for your suggestions, but where do I find the 'page' to enter the correct number? Sorry for being so dim but I have tried to find it and I am quite lost! Sorry.
im not sure where it would be on your phone, but try goin to where u send messages and look and see if there is a settings menu and it will probably be in there, it could be title Service Centre or something like that.

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Mobile refuses to send texts!

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