/news/news.html?in_article_id=511699&in_page_i d=1770 Should MPs be allowed to employ their relatives? In the real world, one is generally given a company secretary. And it is the company who sets their salaries and award them their increases and bonuses.
Why should MPs be any difference? Surely civil servants could fill these support positions if needed. Then their salaries would be governed at the going rate.
Under the present system, a candidate is voted into parliament by the general public. It would then seem that while they hold their seat, they become a little company of their own. It is then that they then appoint their Wife, Husband, Son and Daughter etc into a very nice little earner thank you very much.
Missis needs a little more housekeeping,? no problem dear, how much rise do you need? Fancy 1 or 2 days off? no problem. When your boss is also your better half, and he or she doesn't have to foot the bill the skys the limit, and anything is possible.