A friend of mine has already published a paperback dealing with the postcode lottery and NHS treatment. Many of us are finding that a blogger has written a retraction of her book on his WWW blog - stating that she is not what she seems etc., and linked it to child abuse - book reviews.
The book in no way deals with child abuse.
As his blog is from Google and their terms and conditions state that they are not liable for third party content, they will not demand that this bloggers blog or post is removed. Meanwhile, search engines link to him - his retraction - and his headings.
His unwarranted attack will affect her book sales and also her driving school business as her name links back to his comments.
What legal methods should she use to shut this person up and have his comments removed or at least be forced to make a public retraction on his blog?
I don't think anyone's quite sure yet how defamation on the internet works legally. Do you know who is responsible for this? If you're sure, then getting a lawyer is the best start.