Morning I am Jude is peed off - but thanks for wondering :o). As you say there's always something & I seem to have a lot of 'somethings' & none of them pleasant. It's not always the scale of things, it's the slow drip that gets you down isn't it?
Schedule over the next fortnight....
I've got an armful of blood tests to be done...I could go today for some I s'pose, but not the fasting one, I've already had me weetypops...
the dentist (either filling or extraction - either way, ugh! )...
Charlie has to go in for an ecg at the crack of dawn to see just how bad his heart is, that'll be fun, if he doesn't have an attack on the way ther, I probably will...
And I've got an appt at the new hospital, haven't a clue where to go :o( ...
My little Grandson has been poorly & had a convulsion & went to hospital - he's ok. I've got a terminally ill neighbour one side & a terminally demanding one a couple of doors down....I feel grotty as per usual....
....apart from that everything's fluffing fantastic!!
Lottie - They can change my name to 'Robi, shoot me now, Ninia', hahaha
Bet you glad I popped in aren't you? :o)
Amen & out.
Kit, are you home yet? Hope you're ok. x