In Windows XP what is the sequence on booting up before the desktop is shown? My computer halts after a message 'no signal' and waiting for the pointer which does not appear. '
there is a small chance the computer could be booting into a graphics mode that is out of a range that the monitor can handle. boot the computer into safe mode (tap f8 on startup and select safe mode from menu that comes up) and the right click on desktop and select properties, then click on settings and on that page make sure screen resulotion is set to 800x600 (probably already will be in safe mode) click ok and restart.
It is an outside chance as most monitors would say "out of range" if this where the case, but seen a couple that just give up and say no signal.
Thanks for answers. Yes we do have problems with the Nvidia graphics card which need to be uninstalled before booting up successfully. We have looked in device manager and then installed a later version of the driver for this card but when we reboot get this problem. The only way to get going is to rebott in safe mode and uninstall the video driver. The logs show it is stuck in an infinte loop.