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Chain letter?????

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matt_burke | 14:52 Thu 02nd Sep 2004 | Technology
8 Answers
I got an e-mail saying that MSN accounts are going to be deleted cos of to many people joining and that i should send the e-mail to 10 other people. I know it sounds like a chain letter but i just want to make sure before i delete it.


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Delete it.
Its rubbish, just ignore it. Most things like that are a load of crapola.
Definitely Delete it. Even if it were true, would ten of your friends rwally wnat to know about it? By the way my uncle, who is the finance minister in Nigeria, could do with your help releasing $50,000,000 from a frozen bank account.
Is he really Headtime? Here are my bank account details in case he decides to transfer some to me...
lol yea the original chain emails....if hotmail was deleting accounts don't you think hotmail itself would send an email to you?
it is a scam to get peoples email address's my sister fell for it and the email address i kept for just my family now gets bombareded with spam every day untill my inbox is full.
everything is a chain letter unles syou know its not.

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Chain letter?????

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