I would like to record some stories on my computer for my granddaughter-maybe even make a Cd she can listen to on a player . The sound recorder on Xp only gives you 60 seconds. Is there another program I can easily use?
If you want to record a length like that in one go a computer may not be the best idea, especially if it's not a particularly if it's not a very modern pc.
Otherwise, you can use AudaCity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/), but you might need the encoder mentioned on the download page in order to make recordings into mp3 (compressed recordings, that can be written easily onto cd).
Take a look through your soundcards software - there may be something suitable. If you have Roxio as your CD burning software, you can probably use the "Spin Doctor" part of the app to record to your HD using a mic, and then burn it to CD. (You could also record to tape and then use the line-in function to transfer to CD).