If you freeze food and then put into a cool box with the ice packs, how long do you think it will stay edible? Thinking a day to defrost, day or two in the cool box?
What assumptions should we make about the temperature of the room/place the cool box is stored in ? If it was 30 deg C outside the cool box, then that isn't going to remain cool for very long ! If it was stored at -5 deg C however, then the contents would stay frozen... More info required !
Well, it also depends on what the foodstuff is.... I don't eat meat but I wouldn't think that would last much longer than a day in a cool box after defrosting. Veg should be ok a little big longer. How are you going to be keeping the contents of the cool box chilled ? It might be worth putting a thermometer in the coolbox along with the food so that you can tell if it's at sub 5 deg C (ie like in a fridge at home). You might want to have a chat with one of the knowledgeable folk in your local camping store.