I have been using Phoenix Direct for some time now and a full set of cartridges for my printer (4 seperate in my case) is �10.97 as opposed to �54 for original inks from Staples. Their link is at http://www.phoenixdirectukshop.co.uk
I use KC Inks Ltd, (don't know how to do a link, sorry) it's a local company and they're very helpful. I usually order the compatible cartridges online and they're delivered within a couple of days.
Hi Ternigapp
I use kc inks as well, to put a link in is easy all you have to do is open a new window or tab, get up the kc inks web page and left-click on the address bar and it will turn blue then right-click on it and drop down to copy then left-click, next goto where you want to place it and right-click and drop down to paste and it will put there for you