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skype phone

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mirela | 16:54 Mon 30th Jun 2008 | Technology
5 Answers
anyone got a skype phone?any good?
im thinking to get one then i can call my family and friends in abroad freely, but not sure about functions of it.


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I have Skype on my pcs with a headphone/mic combo;

I also have several Skype phones around the house that work even when the pc is turned off.

I wouldn't be without it - I don't have a landline
Ethel - excuse my ignorance but if you dont have a landline how does your PC work? or do you mean you dont have a phone for the land line?
I have Virgin cable broadband - used to be Telewest.

It doesn't use the phone line, and I don't have a land line at all
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oh ethel, are they mobile phone? i only saw 3 doing skype phone, 39.90, they also have couple sonyerricson module with skype preloaded, im not sure which is better. in this case, is there any chance i can get the software to load on my own mobile?
No, my phones aren't the mobile ones - they look and act just like standard cordless DECT phones, except they use Skype. A sort of mini router is connected to my own router for the phones to connect to.

I have seen the blurb for the 3 Skpe mobile and would definitely buy one if I were going to buy a mobile phone.

As for using Skype software on a standard mobile - I have no ide

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