I use aol 8 to access answerbank. However if I stay around reading or take longer than normal to type a Q or A I completely lose the link This is the only site where I have this problem. Any help?
I'd avoid AOL, personally. Just to check, have you tried to view this site in a different browser? e.g. Connect to the internet with AOL, minimise it and then view all webpages with Internet Explorer or a different browser? (I prefer Mozilla Firefox myself)
I have no idea why AOL would have a problem with particular sites, if that is what's happening.
Thank you stevie21 I just knew I'd get some real help. This is a very impressive site for quick accurate answers.To be fair this is the only problem AOL has given me but then again I'm new to this pc business.My 10 yr old video still flashes 12.00