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Broadband - who to go with?

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jen78 | 20:25 Sun 28th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Am moving into my lovely new flat soon and getting my own broadband.

Used AOL in the past which was good but thought I'd ask about and see if people know of any other good deals and who to avoid and such.

Don't need anything too techy and as good a deal as poss.

Was thinking of getting the Sky broadband package as want Sky plus but have been warned off Sky broadband.


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You'll find people that will warn you off from any broadband provider.

if you are getting sky then the package would probably be the best bet price wise

Remember whoever you get your (ADSL) broadband from it's coming from the same exchange and down the same phone line so any problems you may get are not generally provider specific and it wouldn't matter who your with. it's just a matter of who has the best customer service to sort it out.

But if you don't have a problem (and most people dont) then thats not an issue either.
Hi Jen
I've been waiting for the Virgin fibre optic broardband to be installed here but now the whole area is delayed, but cos I didn't want to go back to a bt contract and then miss the introductory offers when virgin is launched in this area, I've been to carphone warehouse and got mobile broardband and a free laptop to put me on.

If you have Virgin cable in your new area, you should ask about the package, it is very competitive and you get everything all in instead of different charges for different things.
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I see your point, everyone warned me off AOL but I found it fine.

Virgin Media sounds interesting, do you get the Sky Channels with it as could miss my Prison Break :)
I don't have sky or virgin, but isn't sky one still missing from virgin?

As for me, I'd probaly go for one of these deals where you got a free (or cheap) pc too.
quite right PD you don't get sky one with virgin..

If you live in one of the very few places that you can get it the tiscali bundle that includes TV looks pretty good but it's only available in about 6-7 cities.
I have virgin broadband without having the TV or the phone, I have sky TV and a BT phone. virgin was much better than BT broadband which suffered from loss of service constantly.

but although I love virgin I bet there are a few who dont!
If choosing between Sky and Virgin, the issues of Sky One and fibre optic are to be considered.

We have been with both and also to be considered is that you can get interference in bad weather with a dish but not cable.

It's not for long, but getting picture loss at an important part of the film is very annoying.
the weather should not affect broadband, however sky uses a BT line, so you need to check if BT is providing adequete broadband (no reports of line drops in the area)

BT broadband costs me �5.25 pm. Contract for 1y. It reads 54mbps. Am happy as its also wifi.
That is just your connection speed to the router teram
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Thanks for all your suggestions :)

Have had a look at Tiscali and Virgin but think I would probably have to get Sky separately as I want the Sky Plus Box.

Have been looking at the broadband things where you pay them for the phone line rather than BT but don't really understand it.

Have checked out the AOL one where you get the free laptop, it's a 24 month contract so would be tied in for two years but it is a good deal.

Sky broadband for 8mg is only an extra �5.00 a month but just unsure as people have warned me off it.
Great link Cazzz, thanks
A colleague told me that according to Which, the best one to get is Waitrose - don't think it is necessarily the cheapest, just scores best for satisfaction etc.

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