Me ringing Orange Mobile Customer Support to ask for the number to ring orange mobile broardband customer support from my 02 mobile.
Me: Can you give me the number for Orange Mobile broardband Customer Services.
Her: What is your mobile number?
Me: 078** ******.
Her: Just one moment please, sorry that is not an Orange Number.
Me: That is correct it is an 02 number. can i have the contact number for Orange Mobile Briardband.
Her: I need your mobile number.
Me : I just gave it to you.
Her: I am sorry can you give me that number again.
Me: 078** ******
Her: Thankyou. I am sorry that is not an Orange Number.
Me: Yes I know, I use 02, i do not have an Orange Mobile.
Her: Right. Why do you want to speak to us then?
Me: To ask for the contact number for Mobile orange broardband customer support.
Her: What is your query.
Me: i want to ring them.
Her: What is your mobile number?
Me: Ok thank you , bye.