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HPC | 17:45 Mon 13th Oct 2008 | Technology
2 Answers
how do i delete held in the seach file


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Your question makes no sense.

Can you ask it again in English please.
you have to imagine every sentence ends in a rising tone (not actually a question - but sounds like it might be)

I think VeryH that actually hpc has written this question in a vernacular referred to as "yoof" - if it were in "textin'" there would be a gr8 mix of both ltrs nmbrs and a distinct lack of vwls (strange given the number of "Es" one hears these youthful people consume)

hpc ma' man - or is u a gewl? am finkin dat de ansr is evver 42 or
cast an eye an de explorin' fings
is dat cewl?

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