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jack daniels | 15:24 Fri 17th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
45 Answers
I haven't got anything against old people but why is it that I find a lot of them smell of TCP?
It makes me wonder what they do with it.
I can't stand the stuff myself.
Does anyone else find this to be true......or is it just me?


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My step-father is 84 and doesn't .
Probably the same reason that alcoholics smell of jack daniels!
Yes, please define what you mean by `old` ?

Thank you
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Are you sure it's TCP and not camphor as in mothballs,
A lot of the older people still can't resist putting mothballs in the wardrobe.
Or are you sure it's TCP and not 'old man's pee'
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Don't mean to offend anyone!
Say in their 80's?
Hi Mamma - glad SF doesn't! How are you hun?
I would've thought JD is too expensive for alcoholics sir.prize

sorry....old people.

ere she goes agen.
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I recognise the smell of mothballs anywhere logic.
eewwhhh - old mans/womans pee is distinctive too
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You hallucinating on TCP again no.know?
I think when old people start buying all beige clothing, it is compulsory for them to also
Smell of TCP or Vicks or Lavender
Grow profuse ear & nasal hair
Buy Wethers Originals
Drink Sanatogen Tonic Wine
Buy tins of cat food for their tea
Send off for those bargain offers on TV such as a 75 CD set of Perry Como's hits for �3.99 (NOT available in the shops)
Moan about young people today
Take up crown green bowls
Have glow in the dark dentures
Drive slowly & never indicate
Save elastic bands & bits of string
Use doilies & chair back covers
Collect useless ornaments & souvenirs
Knit hideous sweaters for relatives
Open cupboard doors & gaze vacantly at the contents
Question Author
Ha Ha mrs_o
you forgot the blue/purple rinse!
LOL @ mrs O!! xxx
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So I did jack.....but you can't see their hair for those plastic rain hoods
I open cupboard doors and gaze vacantly at the contents.....but that might be because I'm stoooopid.

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