TV Connections in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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TV Connections

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brawburd | 11:11 Mon 27th Sep 2004 | How it Works
4 Answers
Can anyone offer a simple guide to hwat goes where when connecting a TV ~ Sky box ~ DVD ~ Video. I am lost in a maze of wires. Thanks!
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Are you planning on using SCART, and if so how many SCART sockets does your TV/DVD/VCR/SKY box have?
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Yes LeMarchand, SCART it is. TV - 3 DVD - 1 VCR - 2 SKY - 2 they won't have any soon cos it will be flying out the nearest window! :)
I'm not sure whether the SKY box will allow you to pass a signal through or whether both the sockets are for output (have cable), but try this:

SKY box: OUT - connect to VCR IN

VCR: (In connected to SKY OUT), OUT connect to TV IN #1

DVD: Connect to TV IN #2

There are other configurations that should work, but you've got plenty of sockets on your TV, so this is the easiest. You can also connect a standard aerial socket to the VCR and another from the to the TV to watch/tape terrestrial. With the above set up, AUX1 on the VCR should be your SKY signal, whilst on your TV, AUX1 should be the VCR/SKY signal and AUX2 the DVD.

There's a diagram of a different (but equally valid way, though it is designed for TV's with only one input) of doing the set up here: http://www.cinemaxcables.net/cinemax.pdf (Diagram 2). My suggestion leaves the DVD out of the stack, connecting it to the TV as you have sufficient inputs.

On a duplicate question, tomd wrote: "If they've all scart connections, and your tv's got enough to plug all of them in, they this is probably the easiest way to go. A scart lead allows video and audio to be transferred both way down the cable, so this way you would be able to tape from the sky box. Otherwise, a sensible route would be to plug the DVD and Sky box into the video player, and then the video player into the TV. This would allow you to record a program on any of the channels available to the Sky box while watching a terrestrial channel. If you could post pictures of the backs of your tv, dvd, sky box and vcr or mail them to me here.  Then I'll be able to draw up some better ideas or diagrams."

(Nb: Sorry. No posting of pictures or swapping email addresses - AB Editor)

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