Printing a file list in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Printing a file list

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ZXR | 09:30 Wed 10th Dec 2008 | Technology
6 Answers
I want to print a list of files (over 400) which are in a folder on my hard drive. Is there an easy way using Win XP SP2.
I have done it in the past using print screen, but the list is now bigger than one screen. I was wondering if there is a better way. BWT not too bothered about if icons are printed, just the file names will do.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I use

rjh extensions

to do this.

Once installed you just right click on the folder and choose "Print directory list".


It does some other useful things too.
If you are used to using the "DOS" command line you can do it as follows.

Open a command prompt window and navigate to the directory with the files.

Then type

DIR *.* >a.txt

The DIR command lists files

Tthe *.* will list ALL files (all filenames and filetypes)

The >a.txt will output the list to a file called a.txt (you can use any file name)

Then open a.txt with notepad or any word processor.

Then print it.

if you just want just the names - no foldernames, date or size etc add a "/b" switch

(if you are in the folder)
dir /b

You don't need the *.* - but you can use this format to filter the list

to display only text file names
dir /b *.txt

to open a command prompt with right click from file manager install
http://download.microsoft.com/download/whistle r/Install/2/WXP/EN-US/CmdHerePowertoySetup.exe

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Many thanks fellas, but having trouble with the DOS method as I'm unfamiliar with the syntax. Keep getting file name syntax is incorrect when I try to change directory
Help is in fact no help at all. Have tried cd:c but can't get anywhere.

Rollo, your file ext prog is brill and does what I need many thanks for that. Rjh do some other interesting utils too, is the encrypt any good to prevent casual browsers accessing folders ?
The "CD" syntax is a bit confusing

The command CD\ takes you back to the root.

Use D: or C: to change to a different drive.

To change directory you do CD followed by directory name.

For directories with spaces you need quotes round the directory name eg:

CD "My Documents"

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Printing a file list

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