i was videoing my xmas lights suddenly the cam went dead 2 yrs old plugged in to charge no luck does not charge its a canon mvx45i your ideas please tia
thanks for info
yes i doubled checked
as i said when videoing
just went
plugged it in to charge battery
i do not know if the batery is flat or not
does not charge up
thank you is their
anyway i can find out if the battery is dead or not
Was there a warning before the camera died such as a flashing battery symbol.
Certain batteries just go without warning, others die over a period of time where they hold their charge less and less each time.
Can the camera be powered from the charger. Not all can but some Sonys do this.
sorry about slow reply
did not notice any warning sign
i had warning signs before
it said replace battery pack
i used to charge the batteries with the charger
the cassette is stuck in cam
thanks very much for your info