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ChuckFickens | 15:43 Wed 31st Dec 2008 | Technology
11 Answers
A non technical question in this section.

but I would like to wish all the "normal" tech crowd a very happy new year so happy new year to...

Ac, Rojash, Fo3nix, Ethel, Squarebear, VHG and any others that I may have forgotten :)

Have a good evening people :)


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Same to you Chuck :)

And I echo that. Thank you to Ethel, Chuck and anyone else who's been kind enough - and patient enough - to help me out with techie problems.
Hope you all have a good one!
Thanks Chuck - same to you and everyone on your list, and everyone you may have forgotten too - and to all those who bothered to say thanks when one of us fixed their problem!

I'm off out now (we in Greece are two hours ahead of you lot) so I'll drink to you all at midnight and you can drink to me at 10 o'clock!
I didn't know you were in Greece, Roj - is that permanent or a holiday?

Or are you Greek?

A Greek geek? :)
Hi Ethel - I live in Greece, have done for the last eight years. I'm not Greek-with-an-R, but as a software writer and musician, I can live pretty much anywhere I choose (thanks to the Wonderful World Wide Web)

Bye all - see you next year
Who are you calling "normal"? I think that all of the contributors to this section are "exceptional", rather than just "normal"! ;-)

Oh, I see you've omitted me anyway. Does that make me "sub-normal"? (On second thoughts, don't answer that one!).

Happy New Year to you Chuck, anyway!
(and of course to all of the others who read this, 'techies' and 'non-techies' alike)

Same to you Chuck! Hope everyone has a great 2009 and doesn't get too hammered tonight :-)
good grief - you turn your back for 5 minutes and someone throws a party!

happy new year chuck ...
and happy new year Rojash, Buenchico, Fo3nix, Ethel, Squarebear, VHG ....
and everyone else who keeps it interesting ...

I'm off to tenerife on friday ... so I won't be too jealous of roj 'till I come back

roj ... is andromeda where the star is?
(I'll let you take it from there?)
The star is the one in the middle...
What a happy, friendly lot we are in the Techie section.

Let's hope it last throughout 2009.

Cheers, all!
mmmm base instincts
... you look taller than I expected '-)

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Do you know the answer?

Sorry for posting

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