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FAO Chuck Fickens

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pastafreak | 19:26 Tue 13th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
60 Answers
Can you look at my question in technology...posted yesterday at 8-9 pm-ish



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oh gawd... I must have turned to the dark side, people posting in CB to get my attention for tech questions!

Pasta, if you know you don't use software like roxio then uninstall it. if it was on the computer when you bought it you probably have the means to put it back if needed anyhow.

Dabs was correct with his suggestion to use Ccleaner, follow hi link, that will clear all your temp files etc

other than that look at things like pictures, videos and music, they take up a lot of space so think if you really need them on the hard drive, or would being on a CD be ok?

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Thanks have confirmed what I have learnt from trawling thru various sites.
Coo-ee Chuck.. lol ;-) xx
whoa... chuck the computer dude!
hh.. give the man a break!!
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lol ^^^^^^^^
Sara - I've told him I feel like a stalker - but he's adorable and I can't help it.. ;-)
oh groan lol
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Chuck....can I use the Disk Cleanup that is installed in windows?????
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Bet he has run away now......;-(
Cooooooooooooooey chuckie
Chucky we love you
Chucky we
eeeek, I'm getting scared now!!

Pasta, cCleaner is a better option than the the windows disk clean up, that has a nasty habit of removing stuff you want/need
don't be scared, Chuck.. you can trust us ;o)
Get out now Chuck ! Save yourself while you still can !
He loves us really.. ;-)
you know, hh, I think he does!

bless ♥
chuck, you will have to set up a fan club at this rate ;D

Has chucky boy got a following of womenfolk??
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Thanks Chuck........back to technology for ya....maybe they won't follow you there,and I can close the doors to the undead...

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