I get quite a lot of jokes sent to me as attachments to emails,when I forward these to my friends the whole email goes,is it possible to delete the ''from'' part of the email? I have tried copy & paste with the joke section but the whole email still reproduces.
Ideally, you should always do this as it's a great way for spammers to get lots of emails addresses if you forward it on to one.
I have a friend who runs a website and everytime he receives one of these chain letters or jokey emails, he puts all the email addresses onto his mailshot list.
You must select Forward first which will enable you to delete all of the parts you do not need, you can also in most instances modify the body of the mail you are forwarding to tailor the wording to the recipient for instance change the name.
solera, please clarify.
After I click on forward, I click on edit & the only option that is highlighted is Select All, I don't appear to have a choice.Ron.
I've just checked mine and I can delete all from previous senders. They are grouped together. Sender 1 sends it to 10 people. One of those 10 sends it on to another 10 and they will be grouped together. Then it's forwarded on to you and 10 others. Just click at the end of the last group on hold the delete button down until you're back to the top.
If you don't want others email address to show forward it to yourself and then you'll become the sender and you can then delete the one you haven't managed to.
ummmm, still doesn't work Please talk me through it,
You receive an email what do you now do to forward it omitting all previous senders? I cannot delete The original sender
open the mail, scroll to the bottom and click on forward you can delete any part of the mail you want before sending it on to the person you want to forward it to