I've just had an email from AB saying that I haven't been online for some time and how about giving it another try? This is clearly wrong; my last post was on Saturday and I browse several sections every day. I haven't actually had an answer recently (haven't needed one), so this post is really to check that messages are being registered. I'd be very grateful if someone could post a brief reply. Many thanks J.
I appreciate what you're saying tearinghair, but as far as browsing goes, there is no way that AB know that you're online unless you sign in.
I browse daily for some time, but I don't sign in unless I can contribute an answer.
If you do sign in everytime, I apologise.
I am always signed in so didn't get why I got the email, unless they really missed the contrabutions I make to the site. I'm gone for 2 days and they just can't cope without me it seems! lol
Thanks very much everyone. Actually I never sign out, so maybe that's what's been causing the glitch.
Sorry you couldn't read it, ChuckF..... and you giving such useful answers as well! (I've often found your posts really helpful and haven't had to ask questions of my own as a result).
It looks a s though it was a problem with AB itself, whskeryron, as the post was readable anyway. I'm just pleased that there wasn't anything wrong with my access to the site. Thanks for your help.