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Nokia N96

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joannie10 | 18:33 Wed 08th Apr 2009 | Technology
3 Answers
I have a new phone and struggling with a couple of things(no doubt more things will creep up!). Firstly there is a little light round the large square button that comes and goes (all through the night). Does anyone know how to stop this? Also on my previous nokias I used to be able to go into a log that would let me know how many text messages I had sent. I cannot find this - there is a log but it only shows calls and 'packet data'. Any help is appreciated.


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as you haven't had an answer from anyone that's got one, here's my two penneth from someone who hasn't. Can't help with text message prob but the light could operate on same principle as htc function button. It flashes in one way if phone is charging and flashes in another sequence if you have a missed call or an unread text message. Might be rubbish but you never know
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thanks camioneur but the light just floats on and off all the time, is not showing due to missed call or anything. Thanks for taking time to respond. hizakite - had you found a specific answer in the forum to help me or were you just pointing me in right direction for a forum that may help? thanks again to you both.

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