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Downloading using BitTorrent

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jrobinson200 | 11:30 Tue 14th Apr 2009 | Technology
37 Answers
I downloaded BitTorrent program and am currently using this to download a few moives. I then want to put the movie onto a dvd so i can watch it on my tv. It wont copy to a disc tho, says incorrect format or something? It plays on my pc fine.
any ideas


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but AC when it comes to this particular page it's to answer a technical question to which there has been only one helpful answer to help for questionnaire. if you can't answer the "technical question" then don't submit a comment
iit's not for you to to preach the moral high ground
It is for any of us who pay over the odds for our films/games/music to take the moral high ground! We pay extra because a lot of people steal.
who in their right mind would steal copies of will and grace ?
-- answer removed --
so jacksprat16, as I have in a previous job installed alarm systems then rather then using my morals are you suggesting I should post on a web site explaining to everyone how to get round house alarms.??

I might just do that.... and hope its your house that gets broken into, you would have no cause to complain by your logic.... I was just being helpful

You do realise that your PC can be confiscated if you are found to have illegally downloaded copyrighted material on it don't you?
You could also receive a huge fine.
"if you go to any high street video store they will sell you a copy of whatever film you want that is guaranteed to work on your DVD player!"
your words! i don't think that anyone who has the ability to use a computer doesn't know they can buy a dvd /cd at a shop for heavens sake, to me this comment of your is just sarcastic !
well done... you can spot sarcasm

For your next lesson we shall work on the concept of right and wrong (though it's gonna be a tricky one for you obviously)
yes well i leave you oh so righteous ones to get on with your knitting sat by your computers
what is it knit one pearl one?
no, actually it is knit one PURL one.Idiot
that's because i dont knit pillock. just remembering what grannie use to say

No need to call him an idiot... it just lowers you to their level

just rise above and simply look down, it's not tricky with some people ;)
you've no need to rise above to look down, your standing already on moral HIGH ground LOL
goodnight all it's been quite entertaining
just when I think you can't possibly come up with a more stupid argument you open your mouth and prove me wrong
sounds like your granny had more idea than you
I guess you don't knit because it hurts when you keep poking yourself in the eye
If I shouldn't be taking the high ground ... how come you can advertise the low life?

you should really try to develop an independent personality ...
running with the crowd is safe ...
even if it's a crowd of rats in a sewer
stop hiding behind the "everyone does it" argument
grow a backbone use your own opinions and become an individual
surely your answer belongs in legal - it shows you can think ... or at least copy and paste
try it more often

chuck, daffy ;)
good morning (my last comment on this, a relief i hear you say?)
so AC you seem to have spoken for chuck and daffy too,
as i thought your all together in a retirement home for "sanctimonious old queens",
i imaging you all sat in your threadbare Shackletons hunched over your donated old laptops ,waiting in turn to answer a question,feet sticking to the floor from hot milky drink you knocked over last night as the medication kicked in .well fella's have a nice day. bless
I'm female actually jacksprat :)
and hardly a pensioner either (40) although I am a grandma and I can knit very well.
hey jack thanks for that its already brightened my day lol

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Downloading using BitTorrent

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