I had an e-mail this morning from Answerbank saying I had not been on line for some time and inviting me back to Answerbank. What are they on about? I am in an out of Answerbank every day, several times during the day. Can't remember the last day I wasn't. Has anyone else had a similar puzzling message?
yes it's happened to me. I think it's also happened to many others. I use Answerbank every day so I don't understand it. Don't worry Totterdown, you are not alone.
Yes, I get these too. I replied to someone's question on Saturday and have had an email this morning telling me I have not been on for some time. clem-17-atis.
Seems to me that the computer system has thrown a wobbler! I had one too, despite being in answer bank yesterday. Is the common demoninator the date? We all seem to have received them at roughly the same time so it looks like the computer system is having an off day.
As regards the emails. Damned if you do damned if you don't. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Punished for not posting; punished for posting. A cleft stick if ever there was one......lol
Despite starting this thread yesterday and replying to Answerbank asking what they were playing at, I received yet another similarly worded message from them this morning. No reply to my message of course, but they are quick off the mark to ban someone for next to nothing. Perhaps they read our messages and thought they would have a bit of fun!