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wickedtart | 11:33 Sat 13th Nov 2004 | Technology
3 Answers

When i try opening jpegs from express tells me i am out of memory.resources.  Tried opening fromn explorer and it then tells me the file route .... is not a valid win 32 application, what does this mean and how can i open them.  I can see the thumbnails in explorer but thats all.






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A jpeg shouldn't be an application, is the invalid application the program the image file is associated to (ie. the program it should open in as first choice) or is it to the file itself? Does it have the file extension .jpg.exe?
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when i look in explorer it says and i can see the thumbnail and i changed it to read the details and it said  jpeg image - i am not really up with what you mean exactly as i am not at all technical.  Can you help further please.   Thank you

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when i look in explorer it says and i can see the thumbnail and i changed it to read the details and it said  jpeg image - i am not really up with what you mean exactly as i am not at all technical.  Can you help further please.   Thank you

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