Mobile from Vodafone in The AnswerBank: Shopping & Style
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Mobile from Vodafone

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doddsredoubt | 17:29 Sat 25th Jul 2009 | Shopping & Style
2 Answers
I wonder if anyone on answerbank could help me with this question please,
My wife and I went to a Vodafone shop in East Sussex two weeks ago to purchase a Nokia moile for my wife,on entering the store my wife like a Nokia 6300 on display and went to the assistant to look at the mobile my wife liked it and wanted to purchse it but was told they were out of stock but deliveries were coming in all the time.
So the next week we visited the store again to see the same Nokia on display,so I asked the assistant to look at the mobile to be told it was out of stock,but they had an updated model.
The original Nokia was only �90 the new Nokia which my wife didn't like was �110,now we have emailed Vodafone to tell them this saga to be told they were very sorry for our experience and we could do this online,but my wife had a bad experience online so thats why we went to the store.(Still waiting for a reply)and my wifes birthday is tomorrow.
Thankyou for any help.
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Well most of the shops have closed, so your options are limited. Try phoning your local Asda to see if they've got the Nokia 6300 in stock. They sell it for �97.00 but it's on a cheaper tariff than Vodafone. (8p per minute to any UK phone, landline or mobile, 4p per UK text, web browsing 20p per Mb)

Or try Tesco. They sell that phone for just �79.97 (on their own calling plan, which also offers good value).

Even better might be Sainsbury's. At one time they were selling that phone (on Vodafone) for �49..99, but I don't know whether they still stock it.


PS: I'd never consider looking for a mobile phone in a Vodafone (or Orange, or whatever) shop. They're run by independent traders who simply pay a franchise fee to use the phone company's name. Many of them of them neither know nor care about what they're doing.
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Thankyou Buenchico,you have given my wife and I food for thought,and our shopping outlet is either Sainbury's or Tesco.

Thankyou for your help much appreciated.

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