I was infiltrated by a German pornography site. One day I noticed Internet Explorer launching on its own and asking me to download Web CAM software. When I refused I got a box containing German text. It was impossible for me to close the window. I pressed ctrl alt deleteand closed Internet Explorer and a program called openme.EXE . I ran the Norton AntiVirus 2002, Ad Aware, and Pest Patrol and they found nothing. I had never found openme.EXE before so I did a search on it and it was in my windows system. I deleted it and so far the pornography propaganda has stopped. However when my computer boots I get the message "cannot find open me.EXE or one of the files associated with it blah blah blah. How do I make things right?
Do the following: type system.ini in start/run. Under the [boot] section you will see a line "shell=Explorer.exe openme.exe". Delete openme.exe. Save system.ini and reboot.