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AMD Turion - overheating?

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learntojive | 16:35 Mon 16th Nov 2009 | Computers
2 Answers
I had some fantastic advise on here over the weekend and have finally decided on an HP DV6-2020SA laptop but have seen on a few reviews that the AMD Turion processor is prone to overheating and eventually damaging the motherboard. Has anyone else found or heard of this?
Thanks very much


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Both AMD and Intel CPU's will overheat in laptops if they are not kept clear of dust and the airvents are not kept free of obstruction (i.e. by using them on your lap!)

As long as they are used on a flat surface so air can circulate round the air vents and you don't let too much fluff build up in the cooling system then either will be fine.

It's also incredibly rare to actually damage anything from overheating as all CPU's these days will begin to slow themselves down to reduce the temp if they do start getting hot, this feature can be turned of, but if you do then more fool you!
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Great, think I'll go for that one then ... thanks very much x

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