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fao peri 2

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Sqad | 08:24 Tue 08th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
You will never believe this............somebody has bought mrs sqad "LEGGINGS" for bl00dy Xmas and she has just put them on.
I ave sent her back upstairs to change,,,,,bl00dy cheek.


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Only a certain shape can wear leggings.....
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ummmm...NO shape can wear leggings................they should be banned.
Yes they can. It depends on the material and also what top you wear with it.
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I have just asked her how to describe them.

Bottoms blue Jersey.
Top...loose tunic top.

Double Dutch to me.........any way she has skirt, see-through blouse and the "peek-a boo" bra that I bought her for her birthday. She can now go and get the ironing done.
I always iron in the gets so hot!!
They sound good together. The leggings become like very thick tights.
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Daniella....can't stand nudity...........but love expensive salacious underwear.............on my women of course.
Leggings underneath long knit dressed with boots can look lovely. As long as the bum and tum are hidden away, I think most people other than huge Roly Poly's can get away with it...
Morning sqad, ummmm and Daniela

Could be worse!!!.....
Morning...haha yuk
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kijak....LOL...LOL....Christ, see the size of his genitals? I hope salla doesn't see that picture, as she will go right off me.
lol Sqad....we do look at peoples faces as well you know. I think you might be safe :-)'s not whatcha got,'s how you use it!

Salla still fancies the pants off ya. :)
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salla....look, let's put this leggings topic to unzip the skirt, slip it off and there lying on the bed is a body half covered in leggings...the bottom half.......with knickers or thong partly visible through this darkened "shroud"...........takes 2-3 mins to get them off, by which time I am out of breath and have lost interest.

Enough is enough.'s not whatcha got,'s how you use it!

Someone's been telling you porkies Kojak...
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kojak....I refuse to believe is a saying used by any bloke who has a big un.

I have a small just get me a big one and I will "figure out" what to do with it.
Especially sqad, if they look like this when you eventually get to 'em!

What is going on here, For Funks Sake??
Don't you find it is always the fattest ladies in these leggings??!!!!

This must be the worst fashion item ever.
Stay there sqad.....I'll save you!!!.....breathe, breathe!
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kojak.....LOL LOL

She reminds me of the film the "Dam Busters" where the Lancasters were modified to take the bouncing bomb beneath the undercarriage.

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