Sky Remote volume control in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Sky Remote volume control

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karenj2000 | 23:54 Mon 13th Dec 2004 | How it Works
6 Answers
My sky remote has stopped working to operate the volume either up or down.  I know this is in the manual somewhere but have put this in storage so can't refer to it.  Can anyone help?
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Our stopped becase it got wet try drying it on the radiator just in case it is wet and change the batterys
you could take it apart and clean the contacts on the volume control.  A new remote will set you back big bucks.. you can go to somewhere like Lidl and pick up a multi appliance remote for a few quid as a replacement.
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Thanks to all for your help.  I don't think it is the batteries as it is only the volume control that has gone.  It has something to do with the original set up that we did which links in to the make of TV that you have - for some reason it is only the volume that has stopped working but will still do everything else.  I hate technology!
That's interesting because my TV volume has never worked on my remote!! So I just used my TV remote control for the TV volume!

Sorry if this is interupting the initial question but i can't seem to remove the battery cover from my SKY PLUS remote!

It seems as if it will have to be forced or smashed open

Any suggestions?

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Sky Remote volume control

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