You can choose the backlinks, find the quality and quantity daily produced. Moreover, you can check this via Google webmaster tool very easily. Black hat SEO produces bulk quantity backlink for your website!
SEO has become one of the most important part for any business and blog website. In order to optimmize your website, you will need to know some facts.
First of all, you will need to check, how seo-friendly your website is!
Then, you can fix the on page SEO problems like keyword research, meta title, description and permalinks.
Then, you will need to create backlinks for your website page in order to rank in the Google. Otherwise, you can't get good support and traffic for your website. Just find the related websites in order to create backlink.
I hope, the process will help you to white hat SEO. You can take help from
http://mozseoservices.com/seoservices if you want to know more detailed performance and black hat or white hat seo method for your website!