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druiaghtagh | 19:31 Mon 27th Dec 2004 | Technology
3 Answers
 Has anybody tried Firefox browser, pros and cons please?


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IE Cons: Security risk, exploitable, slow, pop ups.
Firefox Cons: Won't work with 100% of sites, takes a little bit of getting used to.

IE Pros: Widely supprted
Firefox Pros: Tabbed browsing, fast, secure, extensions, themes, open source. able to block pop ups, images, cookies, scripts, banners, flash, sounds, etc.
I was using IE6 for ages. Then discovered Firefox. There is now way im going back now. Put it this way - using IE, every few mins or so, my firewall would flash up saying its just blocked an attempted hack. In the few MONTHS that i have been using FF, this has NEVER happened!!! Proper bo, if you ask me.
I don't think I've ever found a site that worked in IE but not in Mozilla or Firefox, so I wouldn't let that bother you.

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