Answer Bank clock in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Answer Bank clock

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rojash | 15:14 Tue 20th Apr 2010 | Technology
12 Answers
What kind of clock do they use at AB?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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lol :-)
LOL, I didn't spot that one.

But we translated it for you non hexadecimal beings.

Spare Ed
They must have written that when they had drunk eleventeen pints
yup, I noticed that too, they must have 32 hour days?...and STILL get naff all done lol
cool clock though
I like it.
By the way what is it?
Question Author
"By the way what is it? "
It's a device used for telling the time, but that's not important right now...
LOL, airplane the movie quote FTW.
How do you get those funky pictures by your user name?
Question Author
"How do you get those funky pictures by your user name?"
We don't. AB has an AI unit which analyses our answers and allocates avatars automatically according to its funkiness chart.
oh crap, I must have been really un-funky then!

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